Mario v Pennywise

Chapter 1
It was any other day in the mushroom kingdom. Mario was playing his Gameboy. Then, Mario tripped on a rock and his Gameboy bounced into a sewer drain. " Ah-a Fuck-a. I-a Dropped-a My-a Game-a Boy-a", said Mario. Mario looked into the sewer drain. A clown appeared.
Chapter 2
"Who-a the-a hell-a are-a you-a", asked Mario. "My name is Pennywise the Dancing Clown", pennywise responded. "I-a dropped-a my-a game-a boy-a down-a there", said Mario. "This Gameboy", asked pennywise. "Here take it".
chapter 3
Mario stuck his hand in the sewer drain. Then pennywise grabbed Mario's arm. Pennywise opened it's mouth. "Oh-a Fuck-a no-a", said Mario. He threw a fireball at pennywises face. Pennywise ran away screaming. Now, Mario has a Gameboy advanced SP blue edition and Pennywise smokes to forget the trauma.